
NF/ NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ presenta la primera exposición individual de Mauro Giaconi en España, ‘TIENE UN DESTINO DE NUBE’, con su producción más reciente.
NF/ NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ presents Mauro Giaconi’s first solo exhibition in Spain, ‘TIENE UN DESTINO DE NUBE’, with his newest artworks.

Chiharu Shiota en The Art Newspaper
El The Art Newspaper publicó una materia sobre la inauguración del Jameel Arts Centre en Dubai y del proyecto Artist’s Room, del que participa Chiharu Shiota con la instalación ‘Departure’ (2018).
Para leer el artículo completo, pinche aquí
The Art Newspaper has published a review on Jameel Arts Centre’s opening in Dubai and on the project Artist’s Room, in wich participates Chiharu Shiota with the installation ‘Departure’ (2018).
Click here to read the full article

Fritzia Irizar en la XIV Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador
Fritzia Irizar es una de las artistas invitadas por la XIV Bienal de Cuenca, Ecuador. La exposición, comisariada por Jesús Fuenmayor, lleva el título ‘Estructuras Vivientes. El arte como experiencia plural’ y reúne obras de unos 50 artistas internacionales.
Fritzia Irizar is one of the invited artists at the XIV Cuenca Biennial in Ecuador. The exhibition, curated by Jesús Fuenmayor, is entitled ‘Estructuras Vivientes. El arte como experiencia plural [Living Structures. Art as a plural experience]’ and gathers works of about 50 international artists.
23 NOV 2018 – 05 FEB 2019
Casa Bienal, Cuenca, Ecuador
Para más información, pinche aquí
For more information, click here

Chiharu Shiota en el Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai
Chiharu Shiota presenta la instalación ‘Departure’ (2018) en el recién inaugurado Jameel Arts Centre. Su exposición individual forma parte de los Artist’s Rooms, una serie de exposiciones individuales pensadas en un diálogo específico entre los artistas invitados y el nuevo espacio artístico en Dubai.
Chiharu Shiota presents ‘Departure’ (2018) in the recently opened Jameel Arts Centre. Her solo exhibition is part of the Artist’s Rooms, a series of solo shows that engage a specific dialogue between the invited artists and this brand new art space in Dubai.
11 NOV 2018 – 11 MAY 2019
Gallery 10, Jameel Arts Centre, Jaddaf Waterfront – Dubai
Para más información, pinche aquí
For more information, click here
‘Departure is an immersive installation by Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota, which explores ideas of displacement, time and the entanglements of life. The work has been specially commissioned for the opening of the Jameel Arts Centre.
Working with large quantities of yarn, Shiota creates immersive web-like structures that take over entire rooms. Building on her experience growing up in Japan and moving to Berlin in the 1990s, her work often touches on the notion of travel, belonging and the complexity of the human condition.
In this particular installation, Chiharu works with traditional abra boats, referencing the history of the Dubai Creek and the city’s identity as a meeting point of people, goods and ideas.
Drawn largely from the Art Jameel Collection, Artist’s Rooms is a series of solo exhibitions by influential, innovative artists, with particular focus on practitioners from the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. These capsule shows are collaborative: curated in dialogue with the artist, with some presentations including new commissions. Winter 2018-19 features rooms by Maha Malluh, Mounira Al Solh, Lala Rukh and Chiharu Shiota in galleries 1, 2, 3 and 10.’

Finissage ‘Lounge’, Pipo Hernández Rivero
Nos reunimos para disfrutar y brindar una vez más por ‘Lounge’, la segunda exposición individual de Pipo Hernández Rivero en NF/ NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ.
Os esperamos en la galería para clausurar la exposición, el miércoles 14 de noviembre de 2018, de 19.00 a 22.00 hrs
We gather once again to enjoy and make a toast for ‘Lounge’, Pipo Hernández second solo show at NF/ NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ.
We will be waiting for you at the gallery, to close the exhibition, on Wednesday, November 14th, 2018, from 7 to 10 pm

Entrevista de Pipo Hernández Rivero a ExpoArteMadrid
ExpoArteMadrid realizó una interesante entrevista a Pipo Hernández Rivero con motivo de la exposición individual, ‘Lounge’ en NF/NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ.
Para leer el artículo completo, pinche aquí
ExpoArteMadrid had an interesting interview with Pipo Hernández Rivero regarding his solo show, ‘Lounge’ at NF/NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ.
Click here to read the full article