CAMPING presents: ‘CAER’ by Richard Mascherin
In ‘Caer’ Richard Mascherin seeks to present actions that take the viewer to an imaginary where bodies fall and transcend. The idea of an accident is the driving force to invade a scenic space, based on impulses, bodily effort or gravity.
RICHARD MASCHERIN, (1992). Canarian creator focused on contemporary performing arts and audiovisuals. Graduated in Madrid in Contemporary Dance (Mariemma Royal Professional Dance Conservatory). Degree in General Film Direction (Metrópolis School of Film and Theater) and Degree in Film and TV Stunt (Ángel Plana Stunt School of Madrid) officially accredited by the International Stunts Academy of Moscow (I.S.A.).
He has had stage work with companies such as Sharon Fridman in the plays Free Fall, How Long…? and AllWays (2015-2019) or La Veronal in Pasionaria (2019-2022), among others. In some way, the fall has been present both in his career as a performer and in that of a creator since 2015. He currently directs his project that branches out into different forms and scenic proposals in which the inevitability of the fall is the fundamental concept of their research and creation.
Since then he has created different stage proposals such as CAER, CAER, CAER, Vacío Espiritual (Show recommended by the Spanish Network, and within the Catalog Danza a Escena 2024) or Cae Conmigo Laboratorio, and audiovisuals such as Here is a body that falls or CAE, for dance festivals, art spaces and film festivals. It has received support from entities such as Canal Choreographic Center – Teatros del Canal, Graner Center de Creació, Konvent Zero, L’Estruch Fàbrica de Creació, Spanish Embassy in Rome, Fiver Dance Film Festival, Masdanza, Tenerife Espacio de las Artes – TEA, Cabildo de Tenerife, Canarian Institute of Cultural Development, PiedeBase, Festival Danseu, Mapas Fest, Choreographic Center of La Gomera, Derida Dance Center (Bulgaria), among others. In September 2023, he premiered his latest work Here’s a Romantic Act at Teatros del Canal, co-produced by the Canal Choreographic Center.
CAER is the eleventh edition of CAMPING.
CAMPING is a project by Nerea and Idoia Fernández, directors of NF/NIEVES FERNANDEZ, and Blanca Cortés, lawyer specialized in intellectual property.