Exposición /


“Township” is a word rooted in colonial times that has transcended into contemporary Zimbabwe (post-colonial era). At the moment, I hover above like a drone, taking in the current panoramic landscape, which I refer to as “Townshop” (makeshift market stalls on available open spaces). This sight is a familiar trend among developing economies—everyone is trying to survive. Even migrants from developing countries who relocate to Europe often engage in this buying and reselling of trinkets as a means of survival.

The materials chosen for this exhibition mimic the temporary arrangements of urban makeshift markets made from wood, metal scraps, and plastics, adorned with trinkets such as cheap jewelry, locks, hair accessories, cigarettes, and more. These items are arranged in an attractive manner, naturally complementing the hustle and bustle of daily life.

In this exhibition, I have recreated scenes and sounds of prerecorded megaphones mimicking the calls of vendors selling their wares at Bhobho/Gazebo Township. People in all sorts of reflector work suits, customers rushing to grab something to cook for the evening, and Kombi (public transport operators) shouting for passengers all contribute to the atmosphere. The scene is chaotic, yet almost orderly—this is the norm in the Bhobho/Gazebo neighborhood.

Improvised market stalls are dotted on every street corner, mimicking sculpture, performance, and sound (megaphone) art. The landscape, as seen from above, is a mosaic of brown earth, blue, yellow, red, and all sorts of vibrant colors. Whatever one can find is put up for sale—second-hand clothes, bananas in pushing carts. The place is bustling with life and activity.

– Gareth Nyandoro


13.02.2025 - 11.04.2025

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Sabemos del poder del arte por su capacidad para convocar y aglutinar a públicos diversos dispuestos a cuestionar sus valores, acciones, creencias y decisiones.

Sabemos también que los tiempos que corren demandan redefinir el valor del arte y la cultura pero que no seremos capaces de hacerlo sin crear entornos en los que sea posible compartir compromisos entre las personas interesadas.

Con la ambición de ser más relevantes, permeables y participativos hemos creado CAMPING, una iniciativa que abrirá el espacio de la galería NF/ NIEVES FERNANDEZ a diversos actores culturales, con el fin de que puedan desarrollar y exhibir sus proyectos y creaciones libremente. Tomando como soporte de sus acciones el espacio expositivo, los diversos actores desplegarán sus proyectos temporales interactuando con la exposición instalada en ese momento en la galería.

Con este proyecto, CAMPING ofrece un encuentro entre los creadores y el público quienes acamparán tomando la galería como un paisaje privilegiado en el que disfrutar de un periodo de reflexión y convivencia alejado de las estridencias del mundo exterior.

CAMPING es un proyecto de Nerea e Idoia Fernández, directoras de NF/NIEVES FERNANDEZ y de Blanca Cortés, abogada especializada en propiedad intelectual.


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ARCOmadrid 2025| Booth 7C15

Para visualizar el preview de la feria, pinche aquí.

To check out the fair’s preview, click here.



CAMPING presents: 'La Revisión' by Sergio R. Suárez



A contemporary creation project focused on the construction of representational codes in the language of Spanish dance and flamenco with regard to gender. La Revisión highlights the need to reflect on the strong gender bias (whether in terms of identity or expression) present in dance, both in professional and educational contexts. It underscores the necessity of abandoning normativity—or rather, dragging it to the margins—guided solely by the premise of being, without allowing a choreographic language to become restrictive. This can be achieved only through a process of questioning the structures through which we relate; it is possible if we engage in a revision.

”I move from a need to break away from normativity, to drag the hegemonic towards the margins. Because it is time to come together in our pain and anger, to stop questioning our identities and start questioning our surroundings; to use the body decisively as a tool of expression, not merely execution; to forget neutrality and operate from a place of empathy; to abandon the notion of equality and envision a vast embrace of our differences—differences that should not, however, serve as grounds for discrimination. That is why I think. That is why I question myself. That is why LA REVISIÓN.” – Sergio R. Suárez

‘La Revisión’ is the thirteenth edition of CAMPING.

CAMPING is a project by Nerea and Idoia Fernández, directors of NF/NIEVES FERNANDEZ, and Blanca Cortés, lawyer specialized in intellectual property.

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no place es una plataforma experimental para la exhibición de arte contemporáneo. Se trata de un proyecto impulsado en conjunto por cuatro galerías –Nueveochenta (Colombia), Arróniz (México), Michael Sturm (Alemania) y NF/NIEVES FERNÁNDEZ (España) – con la intención de generarle nuevas experiencias al público a partir de un modelo de producción alternativo.

Operando bajo un sistema colaborativo, en el que las herramientas, los equipos y los recursos de cada miembro están abiertos a los demás, no place supone un esfuerzo colectivo para producir y financiar eventos en los que el foco de atención recaiga completamente en el trabajo de los artistas. En este sentido, se trata de un experimento inédito, con el que las galerías buscan aportar a aquella transformación de la realidad establecida que suelen buscar todos los agentes vinculados al mundo del arte.